Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Donuts with Dad...AKA...How to Make a Grandpa's Day

I had a fabulous morning today that just made my whole week. At the expense of my son Jimmy's inability to attend his first ever "Donuts with Dad" with Gracie at her school this morning...I more than willingly stood in for him".

I really was sad that Jimmy couldn't attend, but I'm afraid to say that my sadness vanished quickly at the thought of going with Gracie in his place. I'm not sure what I loved more, actually taking Gracie to school and spending some very special time with one of God's little angels, or the fact that Gracie was not the least bit embarrassed to be seen with her grandpa when all of the other kids were there with their dad's :) 

This whole event started out on Tuesday night while I was in church meetings until 11pm. I received a couple of phone calls from Jimmy that I was unable to take, but I was able to have Sue call to find out if anything was wrong. I heard that Gracie had requested that I attend this marvelous event with her because her daddy couldn't go because of work conflicts. I readily accepted. I loved it when I got home and listened to her little voice on a voice mail asking me to come with her...ended my night on a very high note, and I then went to sleep dreaming about the next morning...sweet dreams indeed.

The morning started when I arrived to pick Gracie up at 8:15am. She was dressed in a cute spring outfit that she made look heavenly. After a couple of photos together we walked hand in hand the two blocks to her school. When we arrived, we got into a long line of other dad's and their "not as cute as Gracie" sons and daughters :) Seriously, all of the kids looked so cute and the dads were all so proud. While we were waiting to get a donut and some milk we read a couple of books together. Gracie's favorite book is a book about herself....and...why was a great book that Gracie had put together about things that she likes.I also asked her who her best friend was....she quietly whispered "the one behind me" :)

When it was time to get our donuts we realized that we both shared the same favorite donut...a maple/caramel um um...or as Gracie and I always say....YUMBO! We also realized that we had the same favorite, the gene pool remains pure!

When we sat down I had a chance to read her the story..."Where Wild Things Grow" (I think that was the title). We finished the story, and our donuts and milk, and then wandered down the hall to her classroom, where I met Gracie's teacher, Mrs Cardon. Mrs Cardon has done a wonderful job of decorating her classroom and making it very inviting and friendly. I can imagine that her students love her and love learning from her. I introduced myself to Mrs Cardon and told her that I was Gracie's grandpa and that I was 'pinch-hitting" today for her dad who had to work. Mrs Cardon then said..."lucky grandpa".

After showing me around her classroom Gracie was ready to go out and play on the playground for awhile before school started. I kissed her goodbye and reminded her how much I loved her and sent her off to be with her friends. As I walked back to Jimmy and Hollie's home I almost felt myself skipping along...for just a few moments I felt as if I were back with my two boys and doing the fun stuff with them when they were little. I visited with Hollie and Preston for a few minutes before I had to head back to work and get on with life, realizing that it was experiences like these that make life worth living.

Some may wonder why I spent so much time on this post, but as I get older these special times don't happen everyday anymore like they did when my kids were little. Today I got a glimpse into the past, but more importantly, into the future. I must admit, as I close this blog entry, there are more than one or two tears on my cheek. Today I was afforded the opportunity to be with one of God's most special creations... a little girl so special that she makes all those who know her come alive. I am grateful for this opportunity because Gracie has so many wonderful people in her life that love her so much, but it was me who had this special opportunity. Jimmy, there will be so many of these opportunities for you in the future, I never want you to take any of them for granted...but, I will always be ready to "pinch-hit" for you whenever needed.

I have so many of these little angels in my life and they all make me feel like this.

Lucky grandpa?...indeed Mrs Cardon...I am a very "lucky grandpa"!!!!

The Main Event

Gracie is all ready to go with Grandpa

I'm not the least bit proud :)

Grandpa and his little "peanut'

This little girl can eat some donuts

Gracie's awesome classroom

Sue & Ray's Zion Paradise

Sue & Ray's Zion Paradise