Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Fond Memories of Memorial Day Weekend

Yes, summer is finally here. memorial day always begins the summer season for me no matter where I have lived.

We had a fun and busy weekend. It all started out on Friday night with our annual Father and Sons camp out. We had about 35 people show up for a night of good food and friendship. I slept out under the stars on a cot, then woke up for a great breakfast before I got on with the day.

Annie came to visit this weekend and we had a fantastic time with her. Stanley came ot visit to and he has probably put on 5 lbs since the last time we saw him. He is like a little man.

Sue and I took Annie out to dinner at a relatively new steakhouse named the Anasazi Grill and Art Gallery. Pretty neat place, lots of nice desert photography in an industrial artsy atmosphere. All of the food is cooked at your table using these special stones that were heated to an unfathomable temperature. The food was really good not just quirky. Appetizers and deserts were fondues. We passed on the fondue appetizer but we did indulge in an almond joy type of desert fondue that was really decadent. Brownie bites, grapes, cream puffs, pineapple, strawberries....all ready to be dipped in melted milk chocolate, almonds, and coconut...did I say "decadent". Everyone enjoyed the meal and the company.

Sunday was a typically busy day at church. I was able to get home a little earlier than usual and we grilled some chicken that was marinated in Chiavetta's bbq marinade (all of our Buffalo relatives know exactly what that is and how good it tastes). Then after dinner it was off to Jimmy & Hollie's to celebrate Jimmy's 28th birthday...I cannot believe that my baby boy is 28....Yikes! We all had a nice time visiting, eating cake, and having Gracie and Preston entertain us.

I was up at 4:45am on Monday so I could get some pork shouilders on the smoker. We had a great family and friend bbq later in the day. I love to smoke meat in the Southeastern style of low and slow. The beef brisket went on at 11 am and it was all done by 5:30pm. Jimmy and Hollie came back over along with our great friends and Bishopric members. Unfortuantely, Chris and Alicia couldn't make it because of work and car issues. We had tons of food, corn on the caob wiht chile lime butter, potato salad, and some great deserts. Everyone seemed to enjoy the food and the friendship.

Annie had to go back to work and had to leave first thing on Tuesday morning. We loved spending time with her and hated ot see her go. We wish that we could see all of the kids more often, but life goes on.

It really was a great weekend. I know that even though it was extremely busy, I loved every second of it and was able to re-charge my own personal battery.

The only thing missing was the rest of our entire family. We miss all of you and wish that we could be closer, but in all reality that will probably never happen where everyone is together for any length of time. We love and miss our entire family and hope that you had a great memorial day weekend. We also hope that you had time to reflect on the real purpose of the day and remember those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice that allows us to live freely. We also hope that we have remembered our own family members who have passed away and for all of the great times that we had with them while they were with us. May their memories continue to live on long after they have left this life....until we meet again.

Happy blogging everyone!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Sue's East Coast Swing

Sue recently visited her family on the East coast. She started off her trip by visiting her daughter Amber and son-in-law Lucas, and of course, sweet little Ayla who was born in November of last year. They live in Virginia, not too far from Washington D.C. Sue had a great time visiting them and getting to know and to bond with little Ayla. She is growing so fast.

After a few short days in Virginia, it was off to New Jersey. Sue's daughter Tina and husband Felipe live in the suburbs of Newark with their two little girls, Raquel, and brand new Camila. Anytime there is a newborn involved that makes the trip just a littel extra special. It was a great time for "Nana" to get to meet Camila and have some fun with Raquel, who is growing up so fast. Sue's daughter Kari and grandkids, Brinly and Eli came to visit on the last day of Sue's visit too.

The final leg of Sue's trip before coming home was a trip to Florida to visit with her dad, brother Tom, and sister Lorrie, and of course their families. Sue had a great time getting caught up with the family, visitng, and just spending time together.

Needless to say, Sue had a wonderful time with her family but was pretty exhausted by the time she got home. While the grandkids are always so fun to be around, Sue really enjoyed her time with her girls. It's great to see how they are growing as individuals and as a family. They each have great husbands too. If any of the family has some photos of Sue's visit, please e-mail them to me so I can incude them on the blog.

Next family trip will probably be back to the Buffalo New York area when Sue's daughter Sherri has her baby girl in August.

Until then...happy blogging :)

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Busy Weekend

We had another fun and busy weekend this past week. After owning a Geocaching GOS unit for a year, Sue and I finally took it out and played with it. We had a pretty good time of treasure hunting. We found all 4 sites we went to but only found 2 of the caches. We had a good time walking through fields, sandy desert washes and such. The caches we did find we pretty cool and hid nicely. I think we'll be doing this a lot more in the future.

In the afternoon, we went to watch Gracie perform in her dance recital....she was so cute...and talented. She danced in 4 numbers incuding the finale. Afterwards we went over to Jimmy and Hollie's place for dinner. We had a very nice evening.

Sunday was typically very busy, but very good. We topped the day off with Seminary Graduation. We had two seniors who were graduating. I enjoyed being with them and their families. Sue came
with me and was a great support.

Here's a few miscellaneous photos of a recent scout camp out too

Monday, May 11, 2009

Fun-Filled Mother's Day Weekend

We had a great weekend. Very busy, but relaxing just the same. We went to Las Vegas for a couple of days to relax, unwind, and pamper Sue for Mother's Day.

We were all set and ready to see the Donny & Marie show when they canceled it 2 minutes before it was going to start. I heard this morning that Marie got severe food poisoning. They supposedly found her on the floor of her dressing room. No worries though, we simply went to dinner a little earlier than planned. We went to Yolie's Brazillian Steakhouse. We both enjoyed that as we gorged ourselves on meat, meat, and, more meat. We even listened to horrendous old school Las Vegas piano player that while his singing was terrible, he really did entertain us in a weird, sordid kind of way.

We began Saturday with a scrumptious breakfast buffet at the Westin hotel where we were staying, then it was off on a shopping extravaganza. First, the DSW show, shoes, and even more, SHOES. I loved it. We stocked Sue up on shoes for the summer. Sue is so humble I basically had to "push" her to buy about 4-5 pairs of shoes. I tell you, the woman is awesome.

It was then off to bed bath & beyond for rugs for the bathroom, followed by some great shopping at the Galleria mall where we both found some cool things. Then we took a break for lunch at Buffalo Wild Wings, where we indulged ourselves in some pretty good Buffalo Wings and a much needed rest. After lunch it was off to the outlet mall where we made a brief stop to finish off our shopping before we headed home.

Sunday was great day too. I didn't have any church meetings after the block so I was able to spend some more time with Sue. I made her, her requested dinner, Rib Eye steaks...did I tell you that we love MEAT! I also made a homemade peach crisp and homemade peach ice cream. Between dinner and dessert, Sue was able to talk to each of her beautiful daughters...that really made her day. A great finish to a great weekend.

Friday, May 1, 2009

My Testimony of God, our Eternal Father, and His son, Jesus Christ

My heart is full this morning. I have just read some very heart-wrenching comments posted on an ex-ward members blog that was basically designed for all intents and purposes to tear down my wonderful church, mock our beloved leaders, and even question those who of us who freely believe in what we believe is to be true. She even expresses and trys to justify some of those things we believe to be evil...are not.

Her comments are tearing her family apart. This I know because of their responses to her. They are hurt deeply. Even as I write this, I have tears streaming down my face. Part of that is because of the hurt she is causing to those who love her...the hurt that she is causing our Father in Heaven...the mockery that she is making out of the atoning sacrifice of our Savior....but mostly importantly...because she is lost. Lost in herself, the world, and one self proclaimed "Satan-Worshipper" that she now calls "her friend"

My dear family and friends, I feel it is important that you know exactly where I stand. I want you to know of my testimony with all of the sincerity that I can muster.

I not only know that our church is true, but I also want each of you to know that I know that it is the "only" true church on the face of the earth today. We are not Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, Islammic, Buddhist, Hindu, or any thing else except the "Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We are unique. We are special. We are special becasue we know that we have living Prophets, Seers, and Revelators, that lead and guide us each and every day. We know that Joseph Smith did in fact see God the Eternal Father and His son Jesus Christ in that Sacred Grove, and They did talk to him. We know that we can have personal revelation to these and other truths of the Gospel. We know that our families can be ETERNAL.

I have felt the warm feeling that may be known as the Holy Ghost in my life on many occasions. I have felt it as I rushed out the door carrying my eldest son Chris to the hospital when he had his severe concussion, pleading with God...and He answered my prayers. I felt it the night that I invited the missionaries to my home to just tell me a little about the church...only to realize at the end of the meeting that I needed to join this wonderful church for me and no one else. I felt it the night before my youngest son Jimmy was going on his mission when he was having some trouble wiht another family member, and how the Holy Ghost spoke to me to offer him some comfort and guidance. I had this presence during the entire ordeal with Debbie...ansd so did she. Neither one of us could have gotten through what we did without the Holy Ghost. I felt the same thing as I was dating Sue, knowing that it was right to date and marry her and it continues to be so.

Since I have been called as Bishop, I have been in many private meetings, some with great topics, others...not so much. BUT...I have NEVER been in a meeting where I did not feel the presence of God there..NEVER...not once. I have seen the Gospel of Jesus Christ turn lives arounds. I have NEVER seen it destroy ANYONE.

I have also seen how the adversary work...he works subtley...without warning...he skirts the line between good and evil until they are almost indistinguisable. I have even felt this presence in one meetng but I was given the power to crush his head as has been promised to us. And crush it I did. Each of us can have this same power if we do not waver.

I could go on and on. I don't thik that I thank my Father in Heaven nearly enough, even though I do it each day with my sweetheart. I think this because I don't think any of us can fathom the pain and suffering that our Savior went through "FOR US". I think that we rarely, if ever, realize the pain and suffering that our Father in Heaven went through when he allowed His son, even Jesus Christ, to suffer unmentionable pain, suffering, humiliation, and death,,,"ON OUR BEHALF". I ask all those that I love, cherish, and care for, and feel the same about me, to honestly ponder and pray about this this day with your family. To use this day as a teaching and learning experience and to discuss your testimonies with each other.

I want my family to know, and by family I mean everyone, my wife, my children, my step children, granchildren, and all other family members that "I LOVE THEM VERY MUCH"...but as much as I love them, our Father in Heaven loves them even more. Not only that but He TRULY knows each of us by name...for we are HIS children.

We are blessed to have the Church in our lives, we are blessed to have each other, we are blessed to know the REAL truths, we are blessed to have familes that love us. I pray that we all continue to be active in the Church, even in those dark hours that will surely come or even, come again. May our faith remain strong, may we all live the lives that will someday allow us to be together forever. This is my humble prayer, in the name of Jesus Christ, our Savior and Redeemer ...Amen

Sue & Ray's Zion Paradise

Sue & Ray's Zion Paradise