Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Busy Weekend

We had another fun and busy weekend this past week. After owning a Geocaching GOS unit for a year, Sue and I finally took it out and played with it. We had a pretty good time of treasure hunting. We found all 4 sites we went to but only found 2 of the caches. We had a good time walking through fields, sandy desert washes and such. The caches we did find we pretty cool and hid nicely. I think we'll be doing this a lot more in the future.

In the afternoon, we went to watch Gracie perform in her dance recital....she was so cute...and talented. She danced in 4 numbers incuding the finale. Afterwards we went over to Jimmy and Hollie's place for dinner. We had a very nice evening.

Sunday was typically very busy, but very good. We topped the day off with Seminary Graduation. We had two seniors who were graduating. I enjoyed being with them and their families. Sue came
with me and was a great support.

Here's a few miscellaneous photos of a recent scout camp out too


Annie said...

Gracie is so cute!

Sue said...

Sorry... I put this in the wrong comment spot...

Gracie was a "Superstar"! She really is talented, gaining confidence and coming out of her shy shell. This actually made me miss the old "American Academy of Ballet" dance recitals!

Sue & Ray's Zion Paradise

Sue & Ray's Zion Paradise