Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Come Listen to a Prophet's Voice

I had the distinct honor to be taught by a Prophet of God this past weekend. I was invited to attend a regional Bishop's and Stake Presidency training session that was held at one of our local Stake Centers where half of the Bishop's and Stake Presidencies in our area were invited. The speakers were Elder Neal Anderson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, Elder Steven Snow of the Presidency of the Seventy, and Elder Wilkinson of the Seventy.

What a special treat. The meeting was 4 hours long, but the time went by so fast that it didn't seem any longer than 1 1/2 hours. There was no special announcements or anything like that, they just wanted to remind us of the importance of the Bishops and wanted to know "what was keeping us up at night". We all put about 20 items on the board and began discussing each of them. I would bet the every Bishop in the room probably had concerns for about 18 of the 20 topics.

A couple of main topics of concern that always seem to pop up were...addictions...especially pornography, destruction of the family, YM/YW activity, and welfare issues. These all took the majority of our time.

It is important for us to understand these things as a family...to always keep them in mind. When we do so we can better protect ourselves from the adversary. Don't think for one minute that your family cannot be caught up in these things. I see families pulled apart almost on a weekly basis for one of these reasons or the other....good people....even great people....just like each of us. Let's always remember to put on the "armor of God".

It really was a great meeting. Elder Anderson wanted to make sure that they each had an opportunity to shake everyone's hand on the way out. I'll remember this conference always, and I'm sure that I will hold a special place in my heart for Elder Anderson. He was very pleasant and extremely intelligent, with a loving demeanor about him. There is no doubt in my mind that he has been prepared very well for this calling, and I know that he is definitely a Prophet, Seer, and Revelator.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Great Anniversary Weekend

Happy 1st anniversary to Sue and I...we can't believe that it has been one year already...boy...has time flown by or what!

We decided to get out of town for a 3 day Vegas getaway. Now, how does a Mormon Bishop do a Vegas getaway without having to be released...well...it's easier than you might think (especially since neither one of us gambles, drinks, or chases men or women :o)) and not the least bit boring...at least to us.

We started our excursion on Saturday morning, which was our actual anniversary, by doing a temple session at the the Las Vegas Temple. It was really nice and special, especially since we were asked to be that "special couple" for the session. What a wonderful way for us to reflect on our marriage and other important family issues/events, as well as a great way to get our mini-vacation off to a great start.

After the session we were able to check in to our hotel on the extreme South part of the strip, at the South Point hotel. It is only about 6 years old, clean, with ample space in the rooms. It was kind of nice to be away from all of the hustle and bustle of the actual strip. We had tickets for the Donnie and Marie show, but before we went to it we ate at the Flamingo Hilton's upscale steakhouse, Steakhouse 46. The food was very good and we were even able to get a great anniversary photo of us. After dinner we went to the Donnie and Marie show...in one word it was ..."fantastic"...seriously...what great entertainers they are. The show was non-stop for about 90 minutes. They did songs together and seperately. They didin't just do their songs either. They were current and energetic. They were both great but Marie stole the show in our opinion. The back up dancers were great too. We would highly recommend this show to anyone who visits Vegas. Jermaine Jackson was in the audience and they spotlighted him for just a moment too...pretty cool actually.

On Sunday....after repenting ahead of time :) .... we headed out to see Hoover Dam, which neither of us had ever seen before. If you haven't gone there...go there the next time you have most of the day to kill...lots of great history and information and some pretty spectacular sights. We were actually able to go down 500 feet into the bowels of the dam itself...pretty cool.

After we returned to the hotel, Sue decided that she wanted to have her way with me....no silly...on the bowling alley. We bowled a couple of games at one of the hotel's 64 lanes. I can tell you this....that little lady still has some fire burning inside her as she put me on notice that she was going to "kick my butt"...and kick it she did....in the first game...it was ugly. After being extremely humbled, and with my ego now fully in check...I came back in the second game and recalimed my manhood. I was thinking about my sons and my sons-in law, and felt that I could not let them down. But in the end we called it a draw, as we ended our bowling excursion with 1 win each. I think Sue had been putting some extra time in on the Wii bowling game in preparation just for this day....the little stinker :)

On Sunday night we ventured downtown to show Sue old Las Vegas' Freemont Street with it's pretty cool light show. For the uninitiated, Freemont St. is definitley old, but refurbished. There are a lot more "street people" there, and the crowd is a little more "blue-collar" shall we say, but there is definitely a fun vibe there with street performers and lots of kiosks offering all sorts of useless junk. There was a pretty cool saxophonist and a Beatle's tribute band there for some free entertainment. All in all, I think we spent an hour or so there. On the way back to the car I was pointing out to Sue a makeshift bed under a tree along a fairly busy street, only to see that the "bed" was occupied....life in Vegas ain't all what it's "cracked" up to be sometimes.

We finished the evening off at P.F. Changs restaurant and called it a night/day.

We checked out of our hotel on Monday morning and headed down the street to the factory outlet stores that took us several hours to go through. We both like to shop and we found some pretty good deals. What better way to end our Vegas vacation than to stop in at Buffalo Wild Wings for some pretty good Buffalo wings before we headed back to St. George.

It was so good to get away and spend some much needed private time with Sue. She is a phenomenal lady that has truly blessed my life. I love her for the great women that she is and the great wife. I am so blessed to be married to her. I am also blessed to have her children be part of my life in addition to my chidren as well. Our first year together has been a tremendous growth experience for each of us and one that we would not change. We are so compatible with each other, I'm not even sure if we had more than a couple disagreements throughout the year. We look forward to our future together and all that it will bring. We love each other very much and our families too. We wish we could see everyone more often than we do.

I did take an extra day of vacation and Jimmy and I were able to play 27 holes of golf together at Sand Hollow Golf Course near our home. I love spending time wiht my boys when I can get a chance...pretty rare since everyone is so busy.

What a great weekend. Until next time....Happy Blogging!

Sue & Ray's Zion Paradise

Sue & Ray's Zion Paradise