Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Come Listen to a Prophet's Voice

I had the distinct honor to be taught by a Prophet of God this past weekend. I was invited to attend a regional Bishop's and Stake Presidency training session that was held at one of our local Stake Centers where half of the Bishop's and Stake Presidencies in our area were invited. The speakers were Elder Neal Anderson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, Elder Steven Snow of the Presidency of the Seventy, and Elder Wilkinson of the Seventy.

What a special treat. The meeting was 4 hours long, but the time went by so fast that it didn't seem any longer than 1 1/2 hours. There was no special announcements or anything like that, they just wanted to remind us of the importance of the Bishops and wanted to know "what was keeping us up at night". We all put about 20 items on the board and began discussing each of them. I would bet the every Bishop in the room probably had concerns for about 18 of the 20 topics.

A couple of main topics of concern that always seem to pop up were...addictions...especially pornography, destruction of the family, YM/YW activity, and welfare issues. These all took the majority of our time.

It is important for us to understand these things as a family...to always keep them in mind. When we do so we can better protect ourselves from the adversary. Don't think for one minute that your family cannot be caught up in these things. I see families pulled apart almost on a weekly basis for one of these reasons or the other....good people....even great people....just like each of us. Let's always remember to put on the "armor of God".

It really was a great meeting. Elder Anderson wanted to make sure that they each had an opportunity to shake everyone's hand on the way out. I'll remember this conference always, and I'm sure that I will hold a special place in my heart for Elder Anderson. He was very pleasant and extremely intelligent, with a loving demeanor about him. There is no doubt in my mind that he has been prepared very well for this calling, and I know that he is definitely a Prophet, Seer, and Revelator.


Annie said...

Bishop Richard Edgley (1st Counselor in the Presiding Bishopric) is coming to our Stake Conference this weekend. Get this: he asked all members to prepare a 10 minute talk. All youth to prepare a 7 minute talk.

I was talking to a fellow Stake Member who works at our dental office. She said that he (bishop edgley) doesn't have an agenda yet for Sunday morning. We're thinking he's going to be calling on people in the audience. YIKES!!!!!!!!!!

Ray and Sue said...

That's probably exactly what he's going to do...I wonder what your attendance will be like...ha ha....I bet you'll get a chance to speak

Sherri said...

yeah i wouldn't go to that session of stake conference. carazy.

Christina Rose //floresdelsol said...

what an awesome experience to meet elder anderson and be in a meeting like that.

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