I can't believe that it has been almost 4 months since our last post. We are very much alive and well in the heartland of our nation, Rugby, North Dakota. While we most certainly miss all of our family and friends, we have settled in to our new home and new life. It has taken us just a bit to get used to the laid back way of life up here, and of course the cold and snow. We actually like it up here, the pace is slow, but the people are genuine and good "salt-of-the-earth", hard-working people who we are coming to know and love. We have everythng we need within an hour of home and don't want for anything.
Sue and I have talked about keeping our blog up to date on a more regular basis this year. We really did try last year, but oh my heck, what a year.
We want everyone to know how much we love this season. We love Christmas, and yes we love buying gifts and stuff for our family, but we really love this time of year becasue we celebrate the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Because He was willing to come to Earth and gain His own body, we reap the benefits of the Atonement. Without His birth, there would be no Atonement. He KNEW what was going to happen. He knew that he would be scourged, mocked, beaten, nailed to the cross, and suffered unspeakable punishment...and for what? He did it for US...and only for US. So Merry Chrismas everyone, never forget what this holiday is really about.
So as we celbrate Christmas temporally, let us not forget the true "Reason for the Season". We know that all of our familiy members are well taken care of and are continuing to grow each and every day, They are making their own memories. We won't be away for long, and this time away from everyone is just preparing us for our Misson in a few years.
We hope this post finds everyone well, We will do a better job of checking in on your blogs and posting on ours...just be patient with us, and we won't let you down.
Until then...Merry Christmas to all, and to all, a good night