Friday, July 29, 2011

We're Back!

It seems like it's been forever since we blogged last. That sure isn't like us. Where do I begin....back in October I was asked to take over our Oregon manufacturing plant in addition to my operation in Southern that seems like a short lifetime ago. My/our world has been turned almost upside down. Running two manufacturing operations and being the Bishop of my LDS Ward really keeps me hopping. While we have been able to get away for some fun family visits and a little R and R here and is just moving so fast.

Sue has also seen some changes at work where it makes it harder for her to get on the internet and check blogs out during the day. We both live hectic lives at night as well and well, blogging has taken a backseat to our other obligations. Not that we want it that way, it's just the way it is right now.

Unfortunately with these changes, we have neglected some of our family members by not blogging about our fantastic family visits we have had and other fun-filled family events. So I wanted all of our family members to know that we will repent and try to do a better job in the future. To make amends we will mention some of the events that have taken place in our lives since October.

Sue and I had a wonderful vacation visiting Felipe, Tina and the girls in late October. We posted one days visit and didn't get a chance to post anything else from our absolutely wonderful trip. It was great to see those guys and visit New York City....lots of fun for us for sure.

I traveled for two weeks at a time through January to visit our Oregon operation and needless to say, that while we enjoyed the holidays....they flew past this year. I don't even think we decorated for Christmas until a week before. Not fun!This was especially so because during this time I had 6 laser procedures on my eyes for my glaucoma. The surgeries didn't really work for about 2 months and the meds they had me on were just wiping me out...seriously...not good.

We had extended stays from Sherri and Annie this winter and enjoyed the time spent with them.

We have had three new grand babies born in the last few months. Amber had her second child, a cute, chubby-cheeked little guy named Caiden. Amber and Lucas are great parents. We really loved to see them interact with Ayla at bedtime. Sue and I visited them and D.C and had a wonderful time.  Sorry, again only one post from this wonderful visit.

Annie had her first child a little angel named Evangeline. We even got a chance to go up to Logan for Evie's blessing. It was a great opportunity to meet Brett's family too. Annie was able to come and visit us with Evie for a week while Brett moved across country on an event-filled trip....think "Chevy Chases Amazing Atlanta Adventure" and I think you'll have the picture. Brett started Chiropractic school this summer in Atlanta....Way to go Brett.

Tina had her third little angel, Penelope, and Sue was able to go and visit and help for a week or so. I know that Sue had an absolute wonderful time. Raquel and Mila had a blast with Nana Sue while she was thre. Nana had a pretty good time too :)

Kari and Will are doing great and Will is really growing his practice in St. George. Brinly had a health scare this summer but is doing much better. The boys are doing great and they are definitely boys. The family suffered the loss of their dog Stryker to an underlying health condition. I was very proud of them and how they handled this loss. They also just got approved to buy thier first home in St. George.

Sherri and Addy came to visit us a couple of times and we really enjoyed those visits. She and Talon have just been able to buy their very first home....a really nice old place on a great big lot. We're excited for them 

We have been able to have a couple of family BBQ's and have been able to spend some time with Jimmy and Hollie. We were able to see Gracie's season-ending dance recital and I had a chance to go tot Dad's and donuts with her at school....what a treat for me.

Chris has been so busy we haven't been able to spend as much time as we would like to with him and the kids. When he isn't working long hours at the spa, he is always busy with his kids....I'm so proud of him.

We were able to ge tto almost every one of the local grandkids sporitng events this year and had a great time rooting them on to victory (or at least a really good effort)
We have recently had a chance to go on some mini getaways, whether they were for a day or a weekend.  Las Vegas and the Grand Canyon....some photos for the Grand Canyon will be in my next post.

Life is extremely busy, work has been beyond insane and not sure exactly what's going on there on the larger scale. The economy has really taken a toll on our business....more changes are sure to be coming. We'll hold on cause I think it will be a bumpy ride.

We're looking forward to this Christmas when we'll have all of our kids and grand-kids here for the holiday. Woo Hoo! Should be lots of fun.

Well...I know I have left out a ton of stuff and again I apologize to all of our family for not being able to keep up with things like we would like to....we'll strive to do better the rest of the year...until then....happy blogging!


Lucas and Amber said...

Wow Ray you've got a lot going on! I think we can forgive you for neglecting us so badly. (Just kidding we don't feel neglected). Glad that you found a little time to update your comings and goings as of late. I'm even more glad that you and Mom have been able to find the time to get away on your mini vaca's it's important for you two to relax and enjoy each other. You're both so busy. Maybe someday Lucas and I can do that as well... in about 19 years. (Ha!) Miss you guys! Can't wait until we're all together.

Sherri said...

yeah i don't take offense to your not blogging. but i'm glad to see an update!!! thanks for all you do for us!

Annie said...

YEAH! Good to have you back :)

Sue & Ray's Zion Paradise

Sue & Ray's Zion Paradise