Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Introducing Minnie

Before I get into the formal introduction, I want everyone to understand that Sue is just fine, and that she has not lost her mind. Sue came to me a couple of weeks ago after we had been casually discussing getting a dog a few months ago. Needless to say that after I got up off the floor and recovered from a mild case of shock, she told me about a lady who was giving away mixed breed puppies and wanted to know if I wanted to have one. We discussed this in great detail before we mutually agreed that we were ready for the new addition and the challenge of raising and training a little puppy.

After we decided in principal that this is what we both wanted to do and were both committed to doing, she took me out to the people's home who had the puppies. Sue had already seen them, but we both fell in love with them. We initially decided to take the runt of the litter but when we got there this other little puppy won our hearts over. They had named her "Minnie" because she has a Mickey Mouse ear pattern on her back that is very prominent.

This little girl just turned 6 weeks old today and is adorable and very smart. She has not pooped in the house one time in the almost week we've had her. She's only had a few peeing accidents and almost always goes outside. Now, that;s not to say that she runs to the door to go out. At barely 6 weeks old we watch her carefully and take her out but that's ok.

She really is a beautiful little dog with a sweet disposition, and a ton of energy...although she does sleep a lot too.

We made sure that she was a surprise to all of our local kids and grandkids on Christmas day. Needless to say she was the hit of the day.

Here's some picture to enjoy of her...and yes...she is that cute!

Miss Minnie

How does she sleep like that?

Sound Asleep

Elonna and Minnie

Eli and Minnie


Annie said...

Oh man, I'm sure Elonna loves her! I can't wait to meet little Minnie today!!!!!

tt moreno said...

she is so cute! I cant believe she sleeps like that. i really didnt think she was real when you showed her to us on skype!

Sherri said...

haha.. when you sent that picture i was totally thinking it was a picture of stryker with something in his mouth that was named minnie. it totally threw me off to see that it wasn't stryker and you actually got a dog!!!! she's really cute and i can't wait to get there and give her a squeeze!

Sue & Ray's Zion Paradise

Sue & Ray's Zion Paradise