Monday, June 16, 2008

Father's Day Weekend

What a fun weekend. Sue and I went to Zion to see a Native American Flute concert on Friday night...real nice...and different.

I got up at 4:20am on Saturday morning to cook my southern style pit barbecue for a High Priest social at my home at 6pm that night. Sue and my good friend Terry Kelvington were a HUGE help to me. We had about 30 people show up and we had tons of food and even an impromptu band. Everyone had a great time...I was Beat!

Sunday was the absolute best though. Sue and her daughter Annie surprised me by showing up at my church...that made me sooooo happy, what a nice gesture. After church we had my two sons , Chris and Jimmy and their wives, Alicia, and Hollie, and their kids, Elonna & Champ, and Gracie, and Preston over for dinner, along with Sue and her daughter Annie and her husband Brett. It was the first time that Sue had met Jimmy and Hollie and also the first times that Annie & Brett had met my family. We grilled some steaks and had a very nice time. I had a blast with everyone especially the grandkids. We also got to meet the newest addition of the family, Stanley, Brett and Annie's little 8 week old little Pug puppy. He is so cute and the kids just loved him.


tt moreno said...

it looks like it was a fun father's day! Mom, I like your dress, I did not even recognize you, you look great!

Annie said...

Thanks for a great day Ray! And, the leftover brownies were delicious :)

Sue & Ray's Zion Paradise

Sue & Ray's Zion Paradise